Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Character Creation

Level, books that can be used, house rules?:

Starting level is 1.

Core books, any Eberron source books, and any WOTK official source can be used - minus The Tome of Battle, because its just stupid.

House rules? I only have one, and it regards multiclassing. You can freely multiclass as many times as you'd like over the course of the game, as long as you can justify it to me. I feel like the limitation on multiclassing hurts only physical based classes (fighters, rogues, etc), and they tend to fall behind the curve when a wizard can stick to one or two classes and still dominate the scene. And a note about experience: I will be leveling you up as I see fit. If you kill thousands of undead, but they provided no real challenge, the XP will reflect that. If you fight a pair of trolls, but they give you a run for your money, expect to be compensated for your valiant efforts.

Ability Scores?

You’re going to generate your character’s ability points from scratch, using the 32 point buy system (the one for high powered campaigns). Here's how it works:
1) All ability scores start at 8.
2) Take 32 points to spread out among all abilities. The point cost for the various scores goes like this(with no base ability lower than 8 and none higher than 18):
Ability score =>Point cost

9 =>1
10 =>2
11 =>3
12 =>4
13 =>5
14 =>6
15 =>8
16 =>10
17 =>13
18 =>16

3) You should end up with a sample set of a attributes like this: 16, 14, 14, 13, 11, 10. Quite above average, but with everyone operating in the same power level. Note that because of this higher-keyed set of attributes, I will be expecting less QQing when the fighting gets tough or your character is faced with seemingly impossible odds. You are heroes, act heroic.
4) Don't forget to add racial modifiers!

Gold, magic items, freebies?
Negative, nada, none -- well except for the gold. You get standard starting gold for your class (the 4d4x10 or whatever) provided with your class description. As for freebies, you can each have one "special" item. This is not magical, but is masterwork, and should be developed in your character's Backstory (which i also expect you to have). It could be a masterwork sword passed down through the generations, into your hands, or it could be a masterwork set of thieves tools you stole from the guild before you fled Karrnath. I don't really care what it is, but it should be unique, cool looking, and intimately tied to your character.

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